Everyone TV says that Freely, a new online video platform for the United Kingdom, will launch in the second quarter of 2024. It has released the first public images of the user interface. So far, two television manufacturers have been announced as partners.

Freely televisions can be placed anywhere in the home where there is a WiFi connection, removing the need for an aerial or satellite dish.

Freely on Hisense television

Users will be able to switch between live and on-demand programmes from leading broadcasters in the United Kingdom.

Freely Homepage

There will be 7-day programme guide, with a consistent interface across all compatible televisions.

Freely Guide

Viewers will be able to pause, restart, and access more episodes of programmes.

Freely Miniguide

The on-demand programming of participating broadcasters will be available through the app.

Freely Browse

So far, Hisense and Vestel have been announced as partners in the project. Everyone TV says that additional smart television and operating system partners will be announced in the coming weeks.

Everyone TV is a joint venture between the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Channel 5. It says it will also bring the portfolio of UKTV channels, which are owned and operated by BBC Studios, to the Freely platform.

Based on its research, Everyone TV predicts that more than half of homes in the United Kingdom will watch television exclusively over broadband by 2030, although that does not imply they will all be using Freely. Almost half of the remaining homes will continue to receive television over traditional terrestrial, satellite or cable.
