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A billion hours a day of YouTube on television

Modest decline in Disney+ subscribers

Online video services flat in the UK

Managing decline
It is no secret that traditional television service providers in the United States are shedding subscribers. There may be some signs that the losses are slowing. It does not appear to be hitting the bottom line of the two leading cable companies. They still have 25 million television subscribers between them but they make more margin from providing internet connectivity. They are promoting online video subscription services as an alternative to the traditional cable television bundle. Meanwhile, the media businesses are aiming to go direct to consumer but are still reliant on their lucrative legacy distribution models for profitability. The transition of television and video services to online distribution will continue to take some time to play out.

William Cooper

A billion hours a day of YouTube on television
Over a billion hours a day of YouTube were delivered daily to televisions in 2024. That is equivalent to 114,000 years of individual viewing. Alphabet reported that YouTube generated $36 billion dollars in advertising revenue in 2024, up from $32 billion the previous year.
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Modest decline in Disney+ subscribers
Disney reported a “modest decline” in Disney+ subscribers in the last quarter. It expects a further “modest decline” as a result of increased prices and increased subscriber churn, as well as the expiry of a wholesale deal in Europe.
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Online video services flat in the UK
The number of homes in the United Kingdom with an online video subscription fell slightly in the last quarter. Although more than two-thirds of homes have such a service, it has yet to break 70%. A number of services saw small declines in the number of subscribers. The proportion of homes taking the lower cost tiers with advertising continues to rise, creating meaningful scale.
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Charter on track to become top video provider

Comcast loses video subs but boosts profits

No immediate end for traditional television

Nielsen to drop panel-only measurement

Netflix passes 300 million subscribers

NAB Future of Television Initiative

Multiscreen Index
The quarterly Multiscreen Index offers an invaluable overview of multichannel pay-TV providers around the world and provides an index of the top 100 services by digital subscriber numbers, with top 10 rankings worldwide, by region or mode of delivery, gains or losses.
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