TVN Entertainment has launched an interactive tool that allows metadata to be dynamically updated before, during and after programmes have been distributed to video-on-demand servers. Initial results from trials show the ability to manipulate metadata in real time can drive usage, awareness and revenue.

The system, known as iPRI, includes a web-based dashboard interface which enables programming providers to change on-demand titles, programme synopses and details such as price, genre and placement at any time. Programming providers can partner with distributors to establish business rules for changes to metadata.

“Until now, the single biggest complaint voiced by the content community has been that the VOD platform is not flexible enough,” said Jim Riley of TVN Entertainment. “Not only does iPRI revolutionize on-demand from a static to a dynamic environment, it allows each programmer and distributor to set up specific rules by metadata field and on a site by site basis. With this toolset, programmers can now respond immediately to VOD usage and, in partnership with distributors, enhance the value of a given VOD title exponentially.”

Lionsgate is one of the companies that participated in a trial of the product, resulting in increased transactions and incremental revenue.

“We have been waiting for a VOD application like this for a long time,” said Jon Ferro, responsible for TV distribution and digital sales at Lionsgate. “iPRI has the potential to completely change the way we programme and market movies in the on-demand category; and based on these early successes we look forward to continue testing its capabilities in partnership with TVN and additional distributors in the coming months.”

iPRI is included at no additional cost to TVN distributors as part of its Emmy-nominated asset management system, ADONISS.