There are now 1,189 free advertising-supported streaming television channels available in the United States. The United Kingdom has the second largest number of channels available, with a mere 153. Gracenote, a Nielsen company, now tracks more than 1,600 so-called FAST channels in its Global Video Data. The number of available FAST channels has increased 42% in less than two years. More than 70% of FAST channel programming was produced since 2010.
Entertainment, defined as non-story formats usually shot in a studio, is the most prominent genre in FAST, with more than 300 channels, followed by sport with 220, and reality programming with 138 channels. There are just over 100 news and commentary channels, closely followed by drama.
However, by the number of programmes, entertainment is far ahead, with over 10,000, while sport has almost 3,800, followed by news and commentary with just under 2,900.
The growth of FAST channels represents the latest development in the evolution of the broader streaming industry. The content is recognisable, the user experience is familiar and access is free.
Very few FAST channels, or the programming within them, are exclusive to any individual service or platform.
The abundance of non-exclusive content and similar user experiences, however, reduces the distinct value propositions of the individual channels and their value within the platforms on which they are distributed.
Beyond nostalgia: Tracking FAST channel evolution and the opportunities for platforms and advertisers is published by Gracenote and is available from the Nielsen web site.