Over 40% of total television viewing in the United States in June was to online video services. It was the highest share of television usage by online services seen so far. YouTube accounted for nearly 10% of viewing, its highest share ever, ahead of Netflix and well ahead of other online video subscription services.

Online viewing accounted for 40.3% of total television viewing in June, with YouTube taking 9.9%, its highest share ever, and Netflix taking 8.4%, just below its previous record of 8.5% in July 2023. They were well ahead of Amazon Prime Video at 3.1% and Hulu at 3.0%. Disney+ had 2.0%, which was the same as Tubi.

United States Total Television Viewing, June 2024. Source: Nielsen Gauge

The increase in the share of online viewing coincided with the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer break. Online makes up a larger share of the television time of younger viewers. The summer months also tend to produce lower usage of traditional television channels.

It is notable that what Nielsen refers to as broadcast, as opposed to subscription channels, still account for over 20% of viewing, which is only fractionally less than a year ago.

It is also notable that YouTube viewing makes up nearly a tenth of all viewing, which is almost as much as Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, and Tubi combined.
